Maxine DuVal

President / CEO
DuVal International, Inc.


You may find it helpful to download the printable version in order to view the application prior to beginning the online form.

Do not type “see resume”.
Every field must be filled out.
The email address must be formatted properly.
Use the tab key, not the “enter” key to move from one field to the next.
Do not enter your email address in the very last fieild until you have completed all other fields.

If the form doesn’t appear to submit, you may have not filled in a field. Every field must be filled out. Scroll up to see which field is highlighted, indicating that the field is empty. If no fields are empty, it is very likely that the form has submitted correctly. In this case, call Maxine to see if she has received it.


    Please READ the instructions before you begin completing this form.

    Full name:
    eMail address:
    Address, City, State, Zip:

    Home Phone: :
    Mobile Phone:
    Work Phone:
    Own or Rent?:

    Date of Birth:
    US Citizen? If not Imm/VISA#:
    Spouse Name:
    Spouse Phone:
    Emergency Contact other than Spouse:
    Emergency Contact Phone:

    Languages Spoken:
    When can you Interview?:
    When can you begin work?:

    How did you hear about us?:

    Present Annual Salary:
    Expected Base Annual Salary:

    Certifications, include dates:

    Desired Position 1:
    Desired Position 2:
    Desired Position 3:

    Preferred Property Type 1:
    Preferred Property Type 2:
    Preferred Property Type 3:

    Preference of geographical location 1:
    Preference of geographical location 2:
    Preference of geographical location 3:

    Professional Contact with phone numbers 1:
    Professional Contact with phone numbers 2:
    Professional Contact with phone numbers 3:


    Work History: Current/Most Recent: Company Name, City, State:

    Supervisor Name, Title, Phone Numbers:

    Dates of Employment: From - To:
    Annual Earnings: Start/Yr - End/Yr:
    Position/Job Title:
    No of Kitchens:
    Banquet Capacity:
    No of Rooms or Members:
    Food Cost %:
    Labor Cost %:

    How did you get the position? Reason for Leaving?:

    # of People in department? # you supervise? # of restaurants?:

    Work History: Prior: Company Name, City, State:

    Supervisor Name, Title, Phone Numbers:

    Dates of Employment: From - To:
    Annual Earnings: Start/Yr - End/Yr:
    Position/Job Title:
    No of Kitchens:
    Banquet Capacity:
    No of Rooms or Members:
    Food Cost %:
    Labor Cost %:

    Re-enter Email: